
Your Messages

Below are some of the messages received, but you can also view all messages here.

Vicki Bell - Headteacher at Fair Isle wrote...

Throughout the changes at Fair Isle, you have been a constant for our school community. You organised a school cinema trip to see Prince of Egypt, shared in the official opening of the new school along with your praise band and at our project launch. The children sold their home grown produce in the church and the school choir sang with The Kinghorn Singers. Annually, P6 pupils visited the church to hear the history of St Bryce Kirk and it’s traditions and you supported our P7’s in ‘Moving On’ to High School.  You have given guidance to pupils and staff and supported me as a Depute and also as the Headteacher.  I always appreciated and benefitted greatly from your encouragement, guidance and advice. Even during the global pandemic, we kept in touch by phone and you stayed in contact, with pupils and families through digital technology. In true Fair Isle style, a pandemic was not going to stop our summer assembly! Everyone at Fair Isle Primary wishes you a long and happy retirement.

David Birkmyre wrote...

I read about your retirement in this month’s Life and Work magazine and thought, there cannot be ‘two’ Kenny Froude’s!. I attended Hillhead High School leaving in 1969 and, remembered you as one of the more ‘decent’ prefects (who always gave me a ‘second chance’ when caught smoking in the toilets!).

I moved to Aberdeen (Kingswells) 45 years ago and noted, with interest, your connection in the past up here.

I enjoy visiting Kirkcaldy and, my wife and I spend most of our annual holidays in Lundin Links where we retain a home. If I’d known you were ‘so close’ I would have come along on some Sundays.

I wish you a long, happy and well deserved retirement.

Malcolm West wrote...

My message is simple ... Thank You
Thanks - for your enthusiasm and passion that rubs off on others
Thanks - for your insightful and thought provoking Messages every Sunday. It always felt you were talking directly to me. So often it felt oh so personal
Thanks - for your friendship, guidance and kind words, for helping me be a better person.
Many thanks. Wishing you all the best for a long, happy and fulfilling retirement.


Catherine Millar wrote...

Well Ken, that’s it and your final message as our minister was, as always, informative and thought provoking. I have learned so much from you over the years; I have found the way you make connections between the ancient world and today fascinating. As a Street pastor, I found the comparisons very useful when discussing my faith with ‘the folk on the street’. I appreciated you coming out with the team one night in Kirkcaldy.
After knowing Alec for 25 years, we made the impulsive decision to get married before you retired. We were delighted you agreed to officiate our wedding ceremony in October
In addition to your teachings, I will miss your humour, mischievous comments and your leadership skills; you have served the Church, and the community, well and now deserve a long, safe, healthy and happy retirement.
You’ll be a tough act to follow. May God continue to walk with you, and bless you, and Agnes Ann as you begin a new chapter of your life together.

Derek and Jane Stahly wrote...

It hardly seems like 40 years since you arrived in East Fergus Place. Where have the years gone. Over the years St Brycedale went from strength to strnght under your guidance. We sincerely wish you a long happy retirement and also thank you so much for what you have done for us personally with both my father and mother’s funeral. You provided a grat comfort to us. All the best to Agnes Anne and yourself for the future. I am sure we will see you out and about at some stage.

Alison Wilson wrote...

Thank you Ken for all your years as my minister, I haven’t always made the best choices in life but you never judged and always showed compassion.

You baptised my three girls and two of my grandchildren. You supported me and my family when my mum and dad died and gave them both a beautiful service.

I enjoyed my time working in the office especially your good humour and teasing. Your ability to relate the stories from the bible into life now is a true gift. Both you and Agnes-Ann will be greatly missed and I pray you have a wonderful, well deserved, happy retirement.

I’m sorry I broke down a bit wishing you well on your last Sunday, sending a virtual hug now. I wanted to let you know that Abby is expecting twins in June. Our family continues to grow and it’s something to look forward to in these trying times.

God bless you and yours.
Love Allison Wilson x

Dick and Mary West wrote...

“Well Ken, it’s amazing how we never consider the good things in our
lives will end at some point. You have been a comfort and a reassurance
when times have been tough and a bon ami in happy get-togethers. You
have helped us to say goodbye to departed parents and welcomed our
grandchildren on visits to the Church. It’s a privilege to know you and
we will miss your teachings on Sundays. We are sure you will embrace
your retirement with the same enthusiasm you gave to your preaching.

God bless you,

Dick & Mary West”

Jessie Watt wrote...

Ken, there is no doubt you will be missed but I wish you a long, healthy and happy retirement and hope you enjoy whatever you choose to do. 
With best wishes
Jessie x

Kev Glass wrote...

Thanks Ken. Thanks for your humour and your messages. Food for thought for us all. We hope to stay in contact with you. Renata and I raised a glass to you today. It has been a pleasure. Renata, Kev, Victor and Stanley. Xxxx

Tom and Anne Murphy wrote...

As I have said before Ken when Anne and I moved through here from the Wild West in 2012 one of our first priorities was to find a new church family. We did our try before you buy test and visited each church in Kirkcaldy in turn and one in particular stood out but unfortunately their waiting list was full. I jest, we were so impressed by our warm welcome from Sid Binning and also by your preaching which struck a chord (20 minutes without a script)” sometimes longer! ” that we enlisted on the spot and have never regretted it. Our best wishes go out to you and Agnes Anne and may you both enjoy a long and happy retirement .


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